You can now download the new version AssetDesk 8.9i from our download area. With the version Asset.Desk 8.9i we have switched on the Turbo. In the new version, you will experience much better [...]
The new EAM Edition is now available. EAM Edition: In addition to IT assets, would you like to inventory and manage furniture, machines, apparatus or vehicles? Would you like to manage all [...]
The new version 4.1 of our software deployment solution Install.Desk has been released today. The new features for you at a glance: Install.Desk 4.1: Extensions OS-Packager The OS [...]
Just in time for Christmas our Update Asset.Desk 8.9h is available. The update includes new scan data: The FCS Windows Agent now also reads the installed Windows services with status and login [...]
The new version 5.0 of our software HEINZELMANN ServiceDesk appears in a completely new design with modern user guidance and a lot of flexibility in the browser. The design is based on the CSS [...]
The main version Security.Desk 6.0 offers new screens and updated controls, more convenience and important new features for whitelist entries and RDP and Citrix. In addition, the kernel drivers [...]